Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Why Are Print And E Media Manipulate Images Of Their...
For my critical investigation I will be investigating how and why both print and e-media manipulate images to alter the look of their subjects and how this can impact on society. I will address the issues surrounding Photoshop manipulation and look at both the positives and negatives with regards to how this is used in the media. Thomas and John Knoll are the creators of what one might say to be a controversial and innovative piece of software named ‘Adobe Photoshop’. Adobe Photoshop has been the main piece of software since it’s initial release in 1990 to give a user the power to apply sharper and/or a surreal look to an image that they have photographed. Ever since the initial release of the first ever version of Adobe Photoshop, it†¦show more content†¦For example, young teenage girls generally, will view media on a regular basis, more specifically, fashion and beauty, as they are the target audience for these given topics. With this being said, young teenage girls become more naive with regards to celebrities in the fashion and beauty industry, and typically idolize. Furthermore, they personally identify themselves with said celebrities, and admire them. Nowadays, more often than not, images will be altered with Photoshop, making celebrities and models look thinner, taller, and completely unblemished with perfect white teeth and bodily curves. Seemingly ‘perfect’. Thus meaning that society are viewing in some form or another, a fabricated image, yet not knowing this. Magazine publishers such as Vogue, Cosmopolitan and Glamour, have come to the point where not using Photoshop becomes alien to them. To these organisations, editing is basically a mandatory process where the images they use simply go through the manipulation process to make women look ‘perfect’, even if they are already naturally beautiful. What these organisations are trying to say is, no woman is perfect and will always need a touch of alteration with online software. This is done simply because they want their magazine to look as professional as possible. By doing this, it increases the percentage of units sold of their magazine, therefore, earning themselves more money. In many people’s perspective, it
Monday, December 23, 2019
Witch Hunts The Salem Witch Trials Of 1692 - 938 Words
Witch Hunts Essay â€Å"Its funny how everyone hates witch hunts†¦ until they see a witch†- Jon Stewart Even though The Salem Witch Trials of 1692 was one of the most well-known witchcraft trials over the world, the idea of witchcraft stretches over a long period of time and spreads throughout the world. One of the earliest known witch hunts according to (witchcraftandwitches.com) were in the mid 15th century, where Pope Innocent VII claimed that Satanists in Germany were meeting with demons, casting spells that destroyed crops and aborting infants, and he complained that the clergy were not taking the â€Å"threat†of witchcraft seriously enough. So Pope Innocent VII asked two inquisitors of a Catholic Church to publish a full report on†¦show more content†¦When the actual trials began, the Reverend would lecture citizens to testify against many people who were accused of witchcraft, and by the end of May, 1692, more than 150 â€Å"witches†had been jailed and by September, 19 citizens had refused to confess and were hanged, and another had been pressed to death for refusing to make a plea. People began to speak up and think that the entire witchcraft thing was going a bit overboard because their was no way 140-150 people were arrested for witchcraft. When The Witch Trials ended people thought that itll never happen again. They were right about going after real life witches but they also were wrong about targeting innocent people for no reason or evidence. The Salem Witch Trials had left a long lasting effect on the world that still exists today. will it end? (states.google.com) The Jewish people have been one of the most persecuted groups in history since the days of Jesus, since the years of the Holocaust and still to this day (prezi.com). When the Nazis persecuted the Jews, one of the reasons given was the defeat of Germany in the First World War. The persecution of Jews reached its most destructive form in Nazi Germany, which made the destruction of the Jews a priority, culminating in the killing of approximately 6,000,000 Jews during the Holocaust from 1941 to 1945.Show MoreRelatedThe Salem Witch Trials And The Witch Hunts Of 1692801 Words  | 4 Pagesduring the witch hunts of 1692. The primary source that is being analyzed isn’t about him but is from many stories that he collected and put them together in a manuscript. This manuscript that contains true accounts about the trial and it included the attempted escape of Mrs. Cary of Charlestown Massachusetts told from her husband Nathaniel Cary’s viewpoint. I believe that Nathaniel Car y wanted this account to be written in order to highlight and expose how the puritans handled the witch trials and specificallyRead MoreAbdeali Dalal. Dr. Jenkins. History 1301. February 13,1541 Words  | 7 Pagesâ€Å"Escaping Salem; The Other Witch Hunt of 1692†â€Å"Escaping Salem; The Other Witch hunt of 1692†was penned and published by Richard Godbeer in 2005. Godbeer expressed his views on what he called basic witch trials in Salem and more importantly, in Stamford, Connecticut Massachusetts. The same year that Salem witch hunt and trials began in 1692, another witch hunt took place in Stamford, the Western Connecticut to when a woman (Elizabeth Clawson) from there was also accused of Witchcraft. These witch huntRead MoreThe Crucible By Arthur Miller1358 Words  | 6 PagesArthur Miller in 1953. The movie story deals with the Salem, Massachusetts hysteria in 1692 with an irrational fear of the devil. Witch hunts and false accusations resulted. Trials took place and resulted in the hanging and associated death of more than 20 people and the false imprisonment of many others. B. The Salem witch trials were a series of hearings and prosecutions of people accused of witchcraft. â€Å"From June through September of 1692, nineteen men and women, all having been convicted ofRead MoreThe Causes Of The Salem Witch Trials Of 1692700 Words  | 3 PagesSalem Witch Trials DBQ             How would you feel if your life was ruined just because you were considered unfit for society? This is exactly what was going on during the Salem Witch Trials of 1692. Prior to the trials, there were witch hunts that caused global unease mainly to Protestant societies. King Philip’s War also contributed to this unease by pushing people from the east coast and into Puritan towns. These towns had misogynistic male leadership, depriving many people of humanity becauseRead MoreFear And Its Effect On The Way People Act Toward One Another849 Words  | 4 Pageseternal life. Religion is organized in a way that unites people of common faith through social gatherings such as church, as well as through every-day conversational talk with other members a community. In the past, whole cities such as Plymouth and Salem were created to allow those with the same faith to live near one another. This unity through faith is another aspect that aids in the condemnation of people, innocent or otherwise. Those that are bound to the church, and through that one another, areRead MoreThe Salem Witch Trials Essay1349 Words  | 6 PagesBefore 1692, the supernatural was a part of people’s everyday normal life. This is so as people strongly believed that Satan was present and active on earth. Men and women in Salem Village believed that all the misfortunes that befell them were the work of the devil. For example, when things like infant death, crop failures or friction among the congregation occurred, people were quick to blame the supernatural. This concept first emerged in Europe around the fifteenth century and then spread toRead MoreSalem Witch Trials : The Witch Trial Hysteria920 Words  | 4 PagesSalem Witch Trial Hysteria In 1692 the actions of three girls quickly launched Salem onto the path of committing one of the largest witch hunts the New World has ever known. The witch hunt was fueled by a mass hysteria among the townspeople, this hysteria was the result of the strictness of their society and a number of internal and external stressors. The initial wave of panic when rumors of witchcraft arose gave way to compete hysteria when accusations began. Salem massachusetts was the perfectRead MoreThe Causes of the Salem Witch Hunt Essay925 Words  | 4 PagesThe Causes of the Salem Witch Hunt Many American colonists brought with them from Europe a notion in witches and an intrigue with alleged manipulation with the devil. During the seventeenth century, people were executed for witchcraft all over the colonies, chiefly in Massachusetts. Various of the accused were women, inducing some recent historians to recommend that charges of witchcraft were a way of dominating women who endangered the present economic and social orderRead MoreSimilarities Between The Salem Witch Hunt And The Holocaust993 Words  | 4 PagesA modern day Witch Hunt that can relate to the Salem Witch Hunt and the Crucible due to condemnation of members of society, instinctual prejudice, estrangement of members of society, and mass hysteria is the Holocaust. To estrange members in society means to push people in society out of it. In the Salem Witch Trials, the people in society pushed the Witches out, and even pushed away the women and men they felt were going to be witches, so that they could look more like witches. In the HolocaustRead MoreThroughout The Time Of Human History, People Have Written1282 Words  | 6 Pagesin these stories years ago, and now know them as the fantasy that you read in books and see on tv. With this being said, in 17th century Salem, this was not the case. Witchcraft became a living nightmare for people during this time, and was feared to even think about. Th e reason for this fear was due to the events that occurred during the Salem witch trials of 1692 and 1693 in Massachusetts, which have been the focus of speculation and curiosity for many years. This belief in the supernatural, and
Sunday, December 15, 2019
There is Need to Review Our Education System Free Essays
Liting Wang Professor Feindert ENGWR 48007 April 2018 Critique of â€Å"There is Need to Review Our Education System†T he article â€Å"There is Need to Review Our Education System: Africa News Service. (Apr. 1, 2009)Africa News Service. We will write a custom essay sample on There is Need to Review Our Education System or any similar topic only for you Order Now News Provided by Comtex. Byline: Rhoda Kalema†looks at some pressing issues that the education system in Uganda is currently facing. She is a well-known woman. According to Wikipedia, â€Å"she was honored in 1996 by Uganda’s Forum for Women in Democracy as a transformative leader. On March 13, 2018, she received the Sudreau Global Justice Lifetime Achievement Award from the Pepperdine University School of Law and the Ugandan Judiciary.†There have been no proper mechanisms to foresee high-quality education is offered in the country. She explains that, the experience of educational people feels afraid for what was happing to the education world. They worry about the future get lost on what will happen to the education. If people do not have good education, they will not have a bright future. As a result, the country will fall backward and weak. It will affect the country’s improvement. She suggests that, the educational administrator should start to look at this situation. In addition, both learners and teachers face challenges that make it impossible for the education system to be ranked anywhere in the world. The government is aware of these challenges but offers no solution. Through critique, the key issues facing the primary, secondary, and vocational education in Uganda are examined. The opinion that is currently viable to revive this whole situation is an overall reviewing of the education system from the tradition one to a modern one that will suit the needs of the students and benefit them to fight in equal terms with the rest of the students, if not in the world but Africa. The Ugandan government should take an example of the neighbouring Kenya, which has had several amendments in their system, and currently they have embarked on a new system of 2-6-6-3. This will make sure that the current students do not undergo the kind of suffering experienced by their fore front-runners. Everyone in the country and even those that have been lucky to secure jobs outside the country never experienced a balanced education about 25-30 years ago, and it is for this reason that they are in pain over what is happening in the education system. What is bothering them is Uganda’s future is doomed to be at a loose end, if drastic measures are not put into place. Many stakeholders have reflected on several aspects that they have observed which will bring doom to the Ugandan education sector unless a review is done instantaneously and aggressively. One of the most intriguing factors with the education system is one that dates back more than four decades ago when fresh graduate teachers had the aspiration of literally igniting the classrooms. Shortly when they dive into the adventure towards greatness, these graduates understand that the procedure has been pre-decided and what is required of them is to stick within classroom limits of the syllabus. The objective here is to cover the syllabus, and any idea of presenting new substance is disapproved. There is no space for learning for information’s purpose, an instructor in class is to educate and how well one educates is obvious through students’ execution in exams. Those who have different thoughts of possibly to energize the students, and familiarize them with new ideas and thoughts, influence them to think, and long to know more, are left to swallow their skills and watch as the students follow the old road of the low-quality education. Guardians and parents expect more from schools. They have high expectations that school will change their kids. Occasionally, they even observe the instructor as a wonderful professional of sorts, after all an educator could influence a child to learn. A typical presumption is that tutoring will shape the children and the instructor will be the one individual to guarantee this happens. In any case, things are not as basic and practical as they appear, and teachers face challenges explaining to parents that with this old education system, they should not expect much from their children. What the government has failed to understand is that Education is a public entity, which has a good aim of providing quality training with a specific end goal to reduce variations (instruction as an equalizer). Framework change should address parts of value and correspondence and additionally the more extensive quality objective. The change procedure must be incorporated, problematic, and transformative for there to be substantial outcomes for all students. An intricate procedure must be acknowledged through community-oriented associations amongst government and other key players, for example, guardians, current society, and the private area. Sometimes individuals expect too much from old system framework models to deliver present 21st-century skilled students. Uganda like the rest of Africa has a considerably young populace that forms an important part of the human resource. The youth forms the vital group that is thought to take Africa to the next African Rebellion urged by education and training. Based on the problems that the Ugandan education system is facing, the following are some of the ways that can help redeem the learners from surging into the problematic conditions just like their predecessors. Education syllabus The current education syllabus needs through amending to suite Universal Primary Education (UPE) and Universal Secondary Education (USE). This will enable students to gain more skills based on their talents rather than based on theories. Practical’s need to be more encouraged in schools as different learners have different learning abilities. Promotion of students With a review of education systems, students can be graded based on their talents rather than their class performance. Even with the recommendation of automatically promoting students to the next grade, there can be incentives, which will see students grouped based on their talents. Vocational/technical courses The revised curriculum needs to focus on the vocational and technical teaching, to provide young skills together with the academic learning. Teaching the young people skills means that they will never be lost children. This calls for the movement to come up with improved and more accessible vocational colleges, which are modern and which go hand in hand with the rest of the world to ensure students rank well outside Africa and the rest of the world when they go job seeking. In addition to that, parents should be taught to encourage their children not to follow the old model of only seeing them worth if they take white color jobs. In conclusion, anything that contributes to meeting the huge needs of the education systems in Africa is a positive thing. Such programs or projects are driven by people who want to serve the general good of the country in the area that, as a reminder, is the top priority of all priorities. The impression that one’s gets is that there is a desire to be involved in proposing the beginnings of a solution, a standard foundation for teaching that will integrate specific local features and at the same time train future citizens of an interconnected and culturally very mixed world. A change of school learning system will reflect this concept, and it is an interesting one. The important thing is that there are on-going discussion and dialogue, and adjustments constantly being made to ensure the consistency at country level and then ideally, at the level of each regional African community, of an educational offering that necessarily has to be diversified. This is also one of the recommendations from the summary of the debate that we must have high-level, national education authorities, which must be separate and independent from the governments. They should also be tasked with the responsibility of managing the fundamental choices affecting education systems in the long term, to set a course that is not changed every time there is a change in government. Work Cited â€Å"There is Need to Review Our Education System.†Africa News Service, 1 Apr. 2009. Opposing Viewpoints In Context, http://link.galegroup.com/apps/doc/A196876335/OVIC?u=sacr73031sid=OVICxid=d3a28488. Accessed 3 Apr. 2018. How to cite There is Need to Review Our Education System, Papers
Friday, December 6, 2019
Pricing Strategies and Price Elasticity Of Minnesota Micromotors
Question: Discuss about the Pricing Strategies and Price Elasticity Of Minnesota Micromotors. Answer: Pricing Strategy Concept: Pricing is a crucial factor influencing the sales of the commodity. Demand of the product is inversely related to the price. Hence, it becomes vital to understand and consider the pricing strategies while deciding the price. It takes into consideration the ability to pay, cost of inputs, market structure, level and strategies of competitors. There are various kinds of strategies to determine the price like penetration pricing, market skimming, premium pricing and bundle pricing. Commonly applied Pricing Strategies in brief: Penetration Pricing: The main focus of this strategy is to capture a large market segment by keeping the prices low, since the law of demand follows. Market Skimming: The producer in this strategy benefits from the first mover advantage and chooses to keep high prices in the beginning to maximise its profits. Once the level of competition increases, the producers lower the product prices according to the competitors. Premium Pricing: This is used when the producer provides a unique product or of high quality. It becomes important that people realise that the product is worth the high price. Bundle Pricing: In the todays world of internet shopping this is a very commonly used strategy of selling a bundle of products for low price then what is charged for the individual products. This helps not only clear up the inventories but also gives the buyers, a sense of greater value for what they are paying(Chron, 2018). Price Elasticity of Demand: Price elasticity of demand is the receptiveness of demand to alterations in the commodity price, only. It ranges from zero to infinity. The higher the elasticity, the greater is the sensitivity of the demand(Economics Online, 2018). Application of Price Elasticity in Minnesota Micromotors: The Motor Markets revenues, approximately 70%, are from the bulk orders. The bulk orders give the customer the benefit of discounts. The market is broadly divided into four segments. Segment A requires customisation for power-to-size ratio of motor; therefore the price sensitivity cannot be very high. This customisation also imposes a need for quite a high amount of sales support. The Segment B is also requires specialisation in the context of thermal resistance of motor leading to requirement for sales representatives with high technical know-how. Thus, this market is also not quite sensitive towards the price. The segment C was the least price sensitive in bulk sale category. This required even more specialised products both in terms of power-to-size ratio as well as thermal resistance of the motor. The stringent technical standards also make the market price insensitive and customer service plays an important role. Therefore, its demand is not affected much by the change in the pr ice of the commodity. Whereas in case of Segment D, the market is highly price sensitive. There are orders in bulk requiring very low or economical rates. The people who purchase from the distributers also show high price sensitivity with low level of customisation. The sales boost in case the price is lowered even by a small amount and contrariwise. Price Discount and its effect on Customer Satisfaction and Competition: The price discounts, in case of high price elasticity of demand, leads to higher sales. The discounts give people a higher value of their money and thus saved amount can be invested elsewhere. It attracts people to buy more, given high price elasticity. The customer satisfaction also increases in this case. The sections with low price elasticity are not affected much by the discounts since they require high level of customisation, which require higher price of the product(Marinescu et al., 2011). The discounts increase the market share and people switch to the close substitutes, given high price elasticity. The competitors face this as a challenge to their market capture. The low level of customisation leads to price war among competitors. Conclusion: It can be concluded that higher the specialisation and customisation required in the Minnesota Micromotors firm, higher is the need for customer support service and lower is the price sensitivity. Discounts play a major role in increasing the sales where ever the price elasticity is high. Bibliography Chron, 2018. Different Types of Pricing Strategy. [Online] Available at: https://smallbusiness.chron.com/different-types-pricing-strategy-4688.html [Accessed 27 February 2018]. Economics Online, 2018. Price Elasticity of Demand. [Online] Available at: https://www.economicsonline.co.uk/Competitive_markets/Price_elasticity_of_demand.html [Accessed 28 February 2018]. Marinescu, P., Mihai, N.S. Toma, S., 2011. Pricing Strategy used as a tool for Building Customer Satisfaction in the Retail Store. [Online] Available at: https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/6263401.pdf [Accessed 28 February 2018]. Simulations, O., 2014. The Orthopedic Motor Market: Minnesota Micromotors, Inc. and Brushless Motor Technology. [Online] Available at: file:///C:/Users/#4079/AppData/Local/Temp/Temp2_myZip_687174.zip/2019440_69929873_ONLINESIMULATION.MINNESOTAM.pdf [Accessed 28 February 2018].
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